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We are pleased to announce that we have finalized details for this year’s FIC Memorial Weekend Camp.
We would be honored if you and your families joined us this year, May 23th-26th, 2025 at The Highlands at Harbor Springs Resort.
There are limited spots available.
* Registration for you and your family with FIC is required before booking your lodging. A link with discounted lodging will appear after the registration is completed
📅 Friday May 23rd - Monday May 26th
⌚ Noon
📍 The Highlands at Harbor Springs Resort
Past - Present - Future
We would be honored if you and your families joined us this year, May 23th-26th, 2025 at The Highlands at Harbor Springs Resort.
Registration for you and your family with FIC is required before booking your lodging.
Limited spots are available so please make sure you register ASAP.
How many times have we been plagued by a tinge of guilt after Ramadan ends 🌙, wishing we had been better prepared, recited more Quran, and performed more Ibadah? Ramadan is an exceptional month and utilizing our time efficiently is the key 🔑 to extracting all of its benefits.
Flint Islamic Center invites you to the annual Sira conference featuring amazing student presentations, nasheed, dinner and awards.
Flint Islamic Center invites you to our annual Welcome Ramadan Bazaar on Sunday February 9th! Bring your families to enjoy Ramadan shopping, including Islamic cultural decorations, clothing, books, perfume, and more! As well as delicious local food vendors and food trucks!
Calling all boys and girls 5th grade and up to join us at our annual Winter Camp at YMCA Sherman Lake on *February 14-16*! Campers can look forward to inspiring talks with Shaykh Abdullah Waheed, indoor swimming, soccer, sledding, team-building & connecting with friends!
Come join us with your family at Zehnder's Splash Village on January 21st, 2025 from 3pm-8pm. Inshallah, the venue will be booked out for our families only. Tickets will be: $45/swimmer and $18/observer. Pizza Buffet Included. No Tickets will be sold at the door.
Join us for our upcoming Quran Intensive, Divine Mercy, with our very own scholar, Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed as we extract timeless lessons from the words of Allah in Surah Al-Rahman.
Please join us for FIC Community Brunch. Inshallah we will have good food, good company and a short khatira. All proceeds will go to Gaza relief aid inshallah.
join us this Friday, Oct 25th for a brothers lock-in at at 6:30 p.m. Inshallah food will also be provided. This will be for High-School ages and up. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join us this Saturday for a fun family trip to Flushing Farms. Activities include corn mazes, a petting zoo, and more!
We would be honored if you and your families joined us this year, May 24th-27th, 2024 at Boyne Highlands Resort. Limited spots are available so please make sure you register ASAP.
FIC invites you to a Spring Community Picnic! Bring your family/friends and a dish to share!
Join us on Friday, May 3rd at Flint Islamic Center for our Monthly Youth Halaqa with Dr. Mohammad Jondy! We will start at 6:30 p.m. insha’Allah and dinner will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
Eid Carnival and BBQ will be on Saturday April 13 at FIC from 1 to 4 pm. Details on the flyer.
Please join us for the upcoming Community Hike
Next Hike is planned on June 23rd, 2024 @ 10AM
Start Point at Buech's Food World Parking Lot
✨ We are pleased to invite you to two summer youth programs!
⏩ Sign up for FIC Youth Summer Programs Now
📅 Convenient schedule – both programs take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
⌚ Save time - one registration for both programs.
✅ 15% discount if you sign up for both programs!
Please join us at FIC after Jumaah for some delicious ice cream from Banana Boat. Don’t forget to bring some cash!
Please join us next Friday, June 21st for a fun evening for the family.
Bring your picnic blankets and your appetite! Fireworks show will be after Maghreb prayer inshallah.
Join us for a fun time at Sky Zone (Previously Defy) to celebrate Eid Al-Adha.
$19/ Jumper “Socks included”
When: Monday June 17th at 5:30pm
Please fill out and sign a waiver if you have not done so this year at:
Join us on Friday June 28th @ 9pm, the FIC Social Committee is hosting a family movie night!
Please RSVP by clicking the button below to get your 2 free food vouchers that can be used towards food/snacks.
Please no unsupervised kids under 13.
Join us on Friday July 19th @ 3:30pm, the FIC Social Committee is hosting a Children's Story Time & Ice Cream!
Join us for a community potluck on August 4th at 5:30 PM @ Flushing County Park. Bring your friends & families and a dish to share!
Flint Islamic Center invites you to a Community BBQ at Flushing County Park on September 14th at 2 PM! Come enjoy great BBQ food and quality time with family and friends! If interested in sponsoring this event, please contact 810-410-8150.
Please save the date for our annual Sira program at the Flint Islamic Center. The program will include guest Munshid, Nasheed by community members and GA students, Quiz Bowl, Keynote Speaker. Program will begin with Asr prayer and delicious Dinner at 5PM.
Bring your children and join us for a story time this Sunday! Cider and donuts will be provided. If weather permits, bring a jacket and picnic blanket as seating may be outdoor!
© 2025 Flint Islamic Center. All rights reserved.