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We asked several individuals who accepted Islam:

1) What were the two greatest challenges you faced after accepting Islam?
2) What has Islam done for you?

Praying 5x/day and making wudu throughout the day…. DEFINITELY was the biggest struggle that I faced… 
Secondly, I found it really difficult to tell my dad about my decision to be Muslim. I thought he was going to go insane. But surprisingly he didn’t.  

Islam has made it easier for me to accept the bad/negative things in my life because I know that Allah tests the ones he loves the most. And that there are blessings that come as a result of being patient through trials and tribulations. So it’s easier to deal with things now than before. I don’t have the “why me” attitude towards things. Of course rough times are still very difficult. But there is a bit more ease knowing what I know now.


My two greatest challenges after accepting Islam were trying to get accustomed to ALL the Sunnahs of the Prophet Muhammad  (pbuh) and my last challenge was being afraid to tell anyone that I converted to Islam due to my lack of knowledge at the time. 

Today, Islam has made me a more confident man with my social skills, Islam mainly helped me to have more self discipline within all aspects of my daily life and helped me in understanding how to live in this world.

When I converted to Islam, I felt like the world was comparable to eggshells. If I stepped the wrong way, or made a simple mistake, I felt horrible,  but today, I know that each day is a learning process. I just have to keep praying to Allah (God) and staying away from what’s forbidden and embracing all that is good.


Telling my family about my decision to wear hijab and remaining friends with my non-muslim friends without compromising my new    
 beliefs were my two greatest challenges.

Islam has given me peace knowing that everything happens for a reason and that Allah has a plan for me.
